In the Maule Valley, terroirs with a high percentage of clay determine the mineral character of our wines. The cold evening breezes from the Andes mountains caress our vineyards, causing extreme fluctuations in temperature. The resulting wines are intense in colour, full of fresh fruit, highly concentrated and with mature tannins, delivering a well-balanced palate.
This wine is a pale straw-yellow colour and reveals intense aromas with notes of pineapple, peaches and hints of citrus. Well-balanced on the palate, with a marked mineral character, fresh, with notes of lemon and grapefruit, this wine has a succulent, lingering finish.
Recommended as an excellent accompaniment for fresh shellfish, nonoily fish, smoked salmon, salads and fresh fruit. Serve chilled at between 10°C (50°F) and 12°C (54°F).