Distilled from a high rye thin mash with local NY grains and wormwood before being stave aged with American and French oak at various char levels. Different from a typical absinthe, we distill and age our wormwood rye to drink straight like a whiskey. The bitterness of the wormwood dries out some of the oak sweetness, giving rise to notes of rye spiciness that mix with the clovey depth of the French oaks Heavy char on the finish, while the lighter chars of the American oak bring butterscotch, toasted maple, and toffee to the front and middle of the profile. No water and no sugar is needed, and no anise or licorice is used. Crafted over a decade, bottling the feel of absinthe and the heart of rye. Our wormwood spirit is a complex and perfect go-to drink that redefines what wormwood spirits can be. Substitutes uniquely for classic whiskey cocktails because of the balanced rye profile and oak aging.