We love Minnesota but we all know it’s about as far from a tropical climate as we can get. It is unfortunate that we don’t have access to fresh cane and fresh cane juice but we are able to get it dehydrated. It is not refined like sugar or even raw sugar but the juice is simply dehydrated. This locks in the flavor of the cane and concentrates it for us. This has allowed us the ability to make what we call a Minnesota Agricole. It’s our frost bit version of the original and who knows, maybe when we retire in Martinique we’ll make the real deal, but until then we hope you enjoy this.
Developing great flavors is a process with many variables, and our prototype series is designed to create great whiskys through scientific method.
Developing great flavors is a process with many variables, and our prototype series is designed to create great whiskys through scientific method.
This is Minnesota's ... single malt. Heavily smoked and heavily peated.
Minnesota 13, an open pollinated heritage corn, was developed by the University of Minnesota during the 1880’s for a short growing session. During Prohibition some of the fine folks of Stearns County chose to convert MN13 into moonshine and defy the Temperance efforts. The quality reputation of this moonshine travelled nationwide due to the care of these agricultural rebels.