3 Flowers IPA is a straw colored Rye IPA. The three flowers referred to are Citra, Cascade, and Chinook hops, which are cast into the brew liberally, and contribute a lovely citrusy, floral aroma and a firm yet balancing bitterness. Malted rye and flaked rye, gently added to the grist of this refreshing brew, bestow an engaging dry spiciness and luscious mouth feel upon the imbiber. Please feel free to have another.
White Knuckle Ale is a Double India Pale Ale. That’s right, twice the malt and twice the hops in one 14 barrel batch. It is named in honor of the exciting bike trail on Mt. Tam. If you are a hophead, this one’s for you; fat, chewy, resiny and pungent! Pour into a wide-mouthed glass and get ready to rip!
“Doppel Weizen” means “Double Wheat” in German. Our double-strength American-style version is full of flavor, crisp and light, served at 40°- 45° with a slice of lemon... Refreshing!
Our Irish Red Ale is very true to style; rich and malty with a grand amount of character. This beauty is brewed to commemorate the discovery of the Americas by St. Brendan the Navigator, who beat that Italian guy by about 1000 years. 6.0% alcohol by volume.