The Extra Special Bitter is an English style that used to be one of the stronger draughts across the pond but is relatively mild in the current beer climate. However, that doesn't hinder its bright nose full of fruit, savory toffee flavors, and lush bready mouth-feel. This is a beer for any occasion, and with the new, more affordable 4-packs it will be my beer for every occasion.
London Pride is a smooth and astonishingly complex beer, which has a distinctive malty base complemented by a rich balance of well developed hop flavors from the target, challenger and northdown varieties in the brew. At 4.1% a.b.v in cask (4.7% a.b.v in bottles)London Pride is an ideal session-strength premium ale.
A modern take on the 19th century porter style, Fuller’s rich, chocolatey London Porter recaptures the brooding beauty of pre-Victorian London. It’s evocative of simpler times but it’s a wonderfully complex pint.