Classic Mexican-Style Lager brewed with pilsner malts, corn, and rice. It’s a traditional German-Style, light, crisp, and clean. Hallertauer Hops add spicy and floral notes common to this style.
The classic Pilsner styles of The Czech Republic and of northern Germany are blended in our version of Pilsner lager to accentuate the best of both worlds. The malt profile is rounded and bready like the Bohemian style but ends clean and dry like the German style. A blend of classic Noble Hops from Czech and Germany combine to create a subtle flowery aroma and a firm clean bitterness. Balance is the key to our fine lager.
Our classic IPA is robust and made with a blend of Citra, Amarillo, and Mosaic hops. Hoppy notes of guava, grapefruit, and stone fruit are balanced with malty caramel tones and a solid yet clean bitterness. Not overly bitter, this is a big beer with big flavors. Tropical fruit and sweet caramel will put anyone in the limelight.
Hazy IPA brewed with Lemon Drop and Amarillo hops.