Inspired by (but not too closely imitating) the scientifically-proven best dessert in the world,* Key Lime White is tart enough to be refreshing (but not enough to get all puckery) with a smidge of creamy sweetness and - if you really look for it - undertones of crackery pie crust, all while managing to still Taste Like Beer. It's great on the beach, and even better after you finish shoveling out your parking spot, so if you ain't had it yet you should probably see what all the fuss is about!
With a wink at the old school and a nod toward the new school and the hint of a sly smile toward the English school, Wasted Life takes a trip all around the Wide World of IPA (with a brief layover in Belgium, of course). It's got a dab of caramel but it's not too sweet or full-bodied, it's got a hint of pine and resin but it's not reminiscent of floor cleaner, it's fruity but it doesn't smell like day-old fruit salad that's been sitting in the lobby of a medium-quality hotel near the airport. It's Wasted Life, and we love it, but we have one hell of a time trying to describe it, so you should probably just see for your dang self!
This beer is brewed to commemorate the memory of Horatio's great aunt Henrietta, for whom he had an unexpected soft spot. She had a way with words and a way with people, in the sense that being terrible at something still qualifies as a way. But nevertheless, her ungainly departure was the source of much consternation for dear Horatio, who felt that the insouciant drowning of his myriad sorrows in a ludicrous purple imbibement would most behoove. So lest you miss out on the aforementioned, we forthwith insist you come hither posthaste!